Swashbuckle and Swagger for .NET Core 1.0 validator issue

I’ve decided to write this blog post when I came across an issue with Swashbuckle trying to validate JSON file in Swagger and was failing since Swagger’s online validator was trying to fetch JSON file from an development server which is not accessible from external networks.

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.NET Core projects with StyleCop Analyzers

Different developers have different coding styles, however when you work as a team you want to make sure everyone can quickly pick up any part of code and could get their head around in no time. For this reason, it’s great when code has unified style. This can be done manually (not recommended :)) or by using code analyzers in Visual Studio. Default set of rules check for the most common issues, however do not keep the coding style itself unified. Therefore, such tools like StyleCop Analyzers become really handy in such cases.

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Fix SQL database user mapping

If you used a SQL login and needed to restore a database (dev/test), you should notice that your SQL login doesn’t work for the database anymore. The reason for this is that SQL login and database user mapping was lost. Even you can see the user name in database user’s mapping, however in internal SQL memory the restored database’s user has different reference than the SQL login.

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SearchAllTables SQL Stored Procedure

Sometimes you need to find a specific string or value in a database that you are not familiar with. You may not know where to start since a completely new database for you, or there are just way too many tables. In such cases there is a very handy stored procedure that searches for a string through all the tables.

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Microsoft Dependency Injection and MVC6

In my previous blog post I’ve implemented a very simple application to illustrate dependency injection (DI) using Ninject. While Ninject is flexible and powerful, you might want to try different dependency injection libraries before you make your final decision on what to use. And this time I wanted to look into the latest dependency injection library which comes as a default option for MVC 6 and .NET Core – Microsoft Dependency Injection. And yes, the name is very easy to remember :)

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Ninject and ASP.NET MVC 5

It has been a while since my last blog post, and I decided to continue series of simple examples of dependency injection (DI). Last time I had an example of not so well known but extremely simple and fast Simple Injector. This time I wanted to replace the Simple Injector with a more popular Ninject, and see if there are any big differences in terms of set up. I chose Ninject mostly just because of the Japan-related name:)

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