Actor model has been around for quite some time, and modern implementations like Akka and Orleans made the model even more popular. I wanted to try out the actor model for the first time and for the exercise have chosen a light-weight and little bit less known implementation — Proto.Actor. In this blog post I will go through a naive RESTful API based on Proto.Actor and will leverage it’s Jaeger OpenTracing plugin for monitoring.
Continue reading Proto.Actor based API with OpenTracing monitoringTag: core
Blockchain in .NET Core with Microsoft SQL
In recent years blockchain became another buzzword sharing the fame with BitCoin. Blockchain solves certain technical problems, and could be implemented quite easily. In this blog post I will dive deeper into what blockchain is and how it works by going through a little technical exercise I’ve created.
Continue reading Blockchain in .NET Core with Microsoft SQLMultipart Content-Type request results in IOException
Recently I’ve run into an ASP.NET Core MVC bug when an HTTP request with multipart content-type and empty body would cause an unhanded IOException exception to be thrown in MVC framework. However, when sending an invalid request I’d expect to receive a 400 error response code.
Continue reading Multipart Content-Type request results in IOException