Visual Studio 2017 StyleCop Analyzers template for .NET Core

With the new Visual Studio 2017 out you might have been busy upgrading your .NET Core solutions to the new format and accidentally found out that StyleCop Analyzers stopped working? Automated upgrade will just upgrade projects, however will not adjust Visual Studio 2017 StyleCop Analyzers settings. Therefore, I’ve updated my template’s source code and added this quick guide.

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Migrate away from Facebook app to Disqus comments

I was helping one old university project and as part of user experience and SEO tweaks we decided to move away from Facebook app comments to Disqus comments. The main reason was problems with comments/replies not appearing on the website, and on top of this we wanted to boost SEO having comments that could be indexed by search engines.

disqus comments
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Clean and shrink SQL database

Sometimes you need to clean and shrink SQL database, since once database grows even if all records get deleted, the database file would still take the space as before clean up. To achieve this we can manually delete records and call SHRINKFILE command. However, it’s important to delete records in small batches in transaction not to clog up the database server.

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Swashbuckle and Swagger for .NET Core 1.0 validator issue

I’ve decided to write this blog post when I came across an issue with Swashbuckle trying to validate JSON file in Swagger and was failing since Swagger’s online validator was trying to fetch JSON file from an development server which is not accessible from external networks.

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